The course gives students insight on how to apply simple lines to draw out the appearance of an object, and further to enhance the 3D visual effect of the object so as to give a precise and accurate sketch.
Topics in the course include portrait, animals, sceneries, daily objects and creative artworks, and etc. The techniques of sketching can be further used in water colour painting, crayon painting, acrylic painting, traditional Chinese painting, sculpture and other kinds of creative art design.
Students please bring your own pencil, eraser, and drawing pad.
本課程運用簡單的線條勾出形體的外觀, 再繪畫暗面的不同暗調達至立體的視覺效果,表現力細緻精確。素描題材廣泛, 出戶外可繪畫大自然的山石、花草、樹木及溪流瀑布等, 成為一幅有生氣的風景畫。在室內可選擇人像、動物、日常生活用品等及個人的創意畫。通過本課程的學習並掌握了對形體準確的素描技巧,對將來學習水墨和各類色彩畫及設計都更為有利.
Course ID: A0200
Day: Saturday
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Date: Dec 7, 2024 - Feb 8, 2025
No. of Classes: 8
Min No. of students required: 4
Fee: $120 + GST (Materials not included)
Instructor: John CHENG