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Standard First Aid Course
Level C CPR + AED​


This Standard First Aid course is taught by Red Cross certified instructor Angie Jackson.  The course will teach you a range of skills from learning recovery positions to CPR and AED. It is a one-day course focused on skill practice, emphasis will be put on real-life scenarios with hands-on work. The course will be around 4 hours, but will depend on the class size. The students will finish the course with Red Cross certified First Aid/CPR good for three years. The course is $160 and the date and time will be confirmed in the future.


本標準急救課程由紅十字會認證講師 Angie Jackson 以英语授课。該課程將教您一系列技能,恢復姿勢到 CPR 和 AED。這是一門專注於技能練習為期一天的課程,重點將放在實際生活場景和動手操作上。課程時間約為 4 小時,但取決於班級規模。學生將完成紅十字認證急救/心肺復蘇術證書三年有效期。課程費用為 160加 元(含稅費為168加元),请有兴趣者登记报名,舉辦時間將於稍後通知。

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